Updates every Tuesday!

Comic translated to English by: Píndaro Vargas-Farías

End of volume 2

Hello there,

If you’re reading this, I have a favor to ask you: please let me know if you’re interested in the story through any of my social media accounts listed at the bottom of the website. It would really help me to realize this project reaches anyone else out there.

Also, working on Rising Tempest has been a dream come true for me and also quite a challenge. It may not look like it, but all the content that has been published so far has taken a very long time to create and I’m running low on material to publish. The story still has a lot to tell, and the battle between the loyalists and the rebels is surely going to be solved, however I won’t be able to post at the same rythm that I have been it doing it so far.

I’ll take a break similar to what I did at the end of Volume 1 and once I return I’ll share with you some “extra” material that I created but that for different reasons won’t count as regular pages of the comic. And once Volume 3 starts I’ll have to publish at a much more relaxed rythm. This is far from the ideal scenario but is the only way I can continue with the project. I will work on the story to it’s end but at my own pace.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks a lot for your time!


Merry Christmas and the end of chapter 1

Hi everyone! First of all, thank you so much for visiting the website . I hope you’ll be having as much fun reading Rising Tempest as I’ve had creating it. I would also like to wish you all happy holidays and and the creation of new wonderful memories with all the people important for you.

Now, as you may have noticed, Rising Tempest has finished the first chapter and before starting the second issue, I’m going to take a little break to also spend the holidays with my family and friends. This time will also help me to polish some aspects of the story I’m telling here and to come back with renewed energies. However this doesn’t mean that the site will be abandoned in the meantime, because I’ll be posting some art that I did in the past while I was planning the story. Consider it as a “bonus content” that will bring some light on how much this project has grown since it’s first steps. Please don’t be too harsh on the sketches, they helped me to improve a lot.

See you again in February!

Hola a todos! Primero que nada, quisiera agradecerles por visitar el sitio. Espero que hayan disfrutado tanto leyendo Rising Tempest como yo al dibujarlo. También quisiera aprovechar para desearles unas muy felices fiestas y que obtengan muchos nuevos y maravillosos recuerdos al lado de aquellas personas importantes en sus vidas.

Ahora, como seguro habrán notado, Rising Tempest ha concluido el primer capítulo y antes de comenzar con el segundo, me voy a tomar un mes de vacaciones para también pasar las fiestas con mi familia y amigos. Este tiempo también me ayudará a pulir algunos aspectos que la historia que estoy tratando de contar y para regresar con nuevos brios. Sin embargo, esto no significa el la página estará abandonada pues estaré publicando algunos bocetos iniciales de la historia. Considérenlo como “contenido extra” y que, a pesar de no simpre ser de la mejor calidad, ayudará a brindar algo de luz al proceso que ha tenido el proyecto. Por favor no sean muy duros con estos bocetos, pues me ayudaron mucho a crecer y a aprender.

Gracias nuevamente y nos vemos en Febrero!

-Christian “Suldyn” Domínguez Pérez.

Important information about the English version.

I think is time to share with you a little of the process that this comic goes through in order to reach your screens every week.

First of all, my name is Christian Dominguez and I’m the creator of Rising Tempest. I’m a 2D animator working and living in Vancouver, Canada. However I was born and raised in Mexico, so my first language is Spanish. One of my main goals with this comic was to be able to deliver an English version of the project, but even when I know the language good enough for my daily life, my proficency is far from the quality that this project needs. So that’s where Pindaro Vargas makes his triumphant debut in the project. He’s not only one of my dearest friends, but also a professional and extraordinary translator and proofreader for the comic. But hey, I’m perfectly aware that there have been mistakes in the dialogues on some pages. I’m pretty sure that THIS TEXT has many many errors. Well, that’s completely my fault. You see, every time I get the texts translated and checked by Pindaro, I copy, paste, and distribute them on every panel on both versions of the comic ,and in doing so, I sometimes make mistakes. Working in this comic is A LOT of hard work that I do on my free time, so I apologize if you notice something that shouldn’t be there. Just let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP. And as a clarification, Pindaro will also help me proofreading the entries of this blog, but this one I just wanted to post it so you could see the difference between the English of an enthusiastic amateur like me and an awesome professional like him.

Rising Tempest is always trying to deliver the best quality possible and getting Pindaro’s help is a clear example of that commitment.


You can also find more Suldyn on

Social media.


Puedes encontrar más Suldyn

en las redes sociales.